Pint Sized Beauty Queen

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Face of The Globe - Team England!

Hello everyone!

I'm so sorry I haven't blogged since I competed! Things have been crazy, I had my birthday then I took the plunge and moved to Falmouth to start university! I'm settled now and back up to scratch with everything!

Being at the best arts university in England means I have access to a lot of talented people! I'm really lucky to have one of my flat mates take all my photos for my profile (coming soon). I may also have some other surprises up my sleeve in the coming months!

So let me take you back to August 27th at the Face of the Globe England finals; on the Saturday I went to watch the young ones compete which was amazing! After a nearly 6 hour journey that was only meant to take 3.5 hours and falling up a flight of concrete stairs on my way to the finals, I finally made it there. I was sat with two of my fellow Team England members ( although we didn't know that then) Angel and Mollie. The finals were so good and the little ones were so cute! After that I did my final prep for the final and got an early night!

I was up bright and early on the Sunday, Mcdonalds porridge in hand and ready to compete! It was a long day but it was really fun. There were so many lovely girls there and all the staff were fantastic! After rehearsals I did my interview that I think went really well then after that I had to take a trip to Superdrug because I managed to leave some important items at home such as my lipstick!
Once I'd sorted my missing items out I went back to the venue to start getting ready. Everything was going really well until I stood on some hot hair straighteners! I had my foot under cold water for about 15 minutes but the pain was unbearable but the show must go in! I did have the option to go on in flats but I hadn't practiced in my heels for nothing. 
Although I was in pain, I think the fact I'd been wearing heels all day masked that pain!
The final went really fast (as they always do). Before I knew it, the final 10 were being announced. I had to do an on stage speech which I hadn't prepared for so I was very nervous! 
I was so happy I got the publicity award and placing top 3 was a dream come true! I couldn't hold back the tears! 
The whole day was amazing but I can honestly say I was happy to get into my comfy clothes to drive home! I had my traditional mcdonalds on my way home and slept well when I got home! 

Since the finals I've had my 20th Birthday, moved to Falmouth and started university! There's been a lot of changes and I've been very busy! i was so happy when my personalised sash, top and hoodie arrived at University!

I will keep everyone updated with my journey but for now I'm going to sign off and go and attend a Disney Quiz at the student bar!

Jade xx

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Pageant Week!

Hello all!

This week will be my last week as a Face of The Globe National Finalist. I can't believe how fast my time with the sash has gone.
My sash is so worn now which I suppose is a good thing. I just can't believe how fast the last 4 months have gone.

The final week is always the busiest week. Making sure you have everything you need for pageant day.
I picked up my evening dress on Monday and it looks fantastic and I can't wait to wear it.
I'm picking up my last batch of photos today so I can finish my publicity folder.

The final thing left to do is pack!
It's difficult to pack in small quantities so I know my small car is going to be filled to the brim.

I've been speaking to all the girls in the final and I can't wait to meet them all! It's going to be a fantastic weekend.

No matter what the results are on Sunday, I've had a fantastic time prepping for the event and I would like to thank everyone for their support!

Jade xx

P.S. just want to share a few final appearances with you

Donating items to Threshold Homeless Shelter Swindon

Swindon Pride!

Judging Miss Enchanted Rose 2016

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Armed Forces Day!

Having missed last years event I was so glad I was around for this years Armed Forces Day in Swindon! I was brought up in a RAF Family so the forces have always been something close to my heart. The day doesn't just celebrate the RAF but all the military in our country! With MOD Lyneham now homing many Army trainees the area is even more full of military which personally is a great thing for me!

My Dad's RAF career allowed me to see many parts of the country as well as Germany. Moving round a lot was rather difficult but has taught me a lot. I'm now lucky to be living in Royal Wootton Bassett which is a community filled with military. With the town once hosting the repatriations, the town is very welcoming to forces personnel but also has given it such a history. Last year a large poppy monument was donated to the town and only last week Princess Anne was in the town revealing the new plaque to go with it.

On Saturday 25th July I attended Swindon's Armed Forces Day event at the rugby club in Greenbridge. The event had many current Military personnel, along with veterans and the next generation cadets. I attended the event with Hannah Golding (Ms Catwalk Perfect Wiltshire). We had fun watching the entertainment there and also getting to hold some weapons. The weather luckily held off for us which was great!

Beware, we have guns and heels!
I had a fantastic day!
Jade xx

Friday 24 June 2016

Beni Bear Prom!

Beni Bear is an amazing local charity that supports local children with special needs and their families in any means possible. The charity aims to make the children's challenges a little bit easier for them! They do lots of fundraising and also hold monthly club events! I've been lucky enough to attend a few of their fundraising events including the recent prom!

I attended the event with Hannah Golding ( Ms Catwalk Perfect Wiltshire) and Georgia Holmes ( Mrs Galaxy Wiltshire). The event started with everyone getting ready together and then followed by a ride in the camper van! Once we arrived back at the venue the prom began with a disco and party games! There was also a photo booth which we all had a lot of fun in!

Photos by Aramina Images

The night ended with a limbo contest which I had to enter! It was a fantastic evening and was so great to see so many kids together, supporting each other.

I was so happy when I came across this charity! they do such amazing work, including sending a teddy all the way to Norway for my Autistic cousin!
It was a fantastic evening!
Jade xx

Thursday 9 June 2016

Appearences - Week Commencing May 30th

Hello again!

This week has been such a busy week with regards to Pageant appearances and charity event prep!

I kicked off this week at Swindon's Duck Race! I was lucky enough to be invited along for the second year running. I attended the event with Nicole ( Teen Miss Glamorous Beauty UK). We were asked to start the 3 races on the day. The Drakes Race , The schools race and of course the main duck race! The weather was overcast and it was quite cold but loads of people attended run by Old Town Rotary Club. The event runs alongside a Dog Show in aid of RSPCA so there were loads of dogs there, I even saw a few pugs!

With Steph Trinci, A member of the Rotary

With Rotary Members and Nicole

Starting the Schools Race

Classic Digger Shot!

On Wednesday I was invited by my local town council to help at the Love Your Market event in aid of Clic Sargent. I work in two independently owned businesses within my town and I'm always one to back my local high street. I helped on the raffle stall alongside some council members.

With George the town mascott

The raffle prizes, donated by businesses in the town!
My final event of the week was my charity event!
With Disney being a big part of the Face of The Globe International finals, I decided to make that the main theme of my event. At the event I had, hot drinks and homemade cakes. Biscuit decorating, a raffle and of course a tombola. I also had a selection of stall holders there as well. In total I raised £150. Which I was really happy with.
The team that helped me on the day!

I've got more events up my sleeve so I'll keep you involved!
Jade xx